What Causes Dry Cracked Feet?

How To Find What Causes Dry Cracked Feet?

Dry Cracked Feet

Dry, cracked feet are unsightly and painful. If you've done some reading on the topic, you already know that this health is also referred to as heel fissures. When you have dry and cracked feet, your feet will often appear very dry, with flaky skin. It is also not uncommon to have calluses as well. Calluses generally look yellow or dark brown areas of hard discolored skin. Not only unsightly, some population precisely feel embarrassed at the state of how their feet look. If you're suffering from these conditions, you want to know what causes it, mostly so that you can know what do to to fix it.

Causes of dry cracked feet

  • Walking on hard surfaces. Many population underestimate the impact of how everyday activities take a toll on our feet. Standing for hours on end precisely does a whole on your feet. If your home is adequate with hardwood floors or your feet regularly come in feel with other hard surfaces, such as concrete, chances are that your feet and heels are paying the price.
  • Carrying extra weight. Being overweight is one of the original causes of dry, cracked feet. When an personel is grossly overweight, the whole of pressure that is placed on the fat pad of the foot increases exponentially. The pressure causes the pad to "spread sideways." If your skin is not supple or flexible, the skin of the foot becomes dry and cracked. And yes, dropping quite a few pounds can help long-term to restore your tootsies back to optimal health.
  • Wearing open toed shoes. In a similar manner, open toed shoes can also cause similar problems. The fat of the pad is also forced sideways, which can growth the likelihood of the skin cracking. Additionally, in this position, the stretched skin is more susceptible to pick up dirt, which increases its chances of drying out. When the skin of one's feet becomes dry or cracked, then it becomes much more susceptible to fungal and bacterial infections.
  • Medical conditions. Other causes of dry, cracked feet can include skin conditions and medical conditions. For example, eczema or psoriasis are well known for causing dry and flaky skin. Some medical conditions, like diabetes, can predispose a person to have dry skin. In particular, those who have diabetes tend to sweat less. The discount in sweat causes the skin to come to be much drier.

Taking preventive measures means all to reversing the health of hard, dry, and cracking feet. Before taking any activity make sure that an basic medical condition, such as diabetes, isn't causing this problem. If it is, there's an whole commerce colse to diabetic foot care that you should be introduced to.

A quick trip to the physician can rule out the possibility of medical problems. There are some simple remedies you can use to baby your feet back to health. If these solutions don't work, then you may need to schedule a consultation with your podiatrist.

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